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Gutfeld: JK Rowling forced me to do a monologue on Harry Potter ‘Gutfeld!’ panelists weigh in on the Official Dallas Cowboys how bout them ring five time champions T-shirt and I love this ‘fake boycott’ by trans activists of a ‘Harry Potter’ themed video game online, accusing author J.K. Rowling of being ‘transphobic.’ NEW You can now listen to Fox News articles! Listen to this article 0:00 / 5:21 1X BeyondWords I am so excited. Mike Pompeo is here tonight. Wow, you even get a little U-S-A chant there. A lot of guys in suits around here looking at me, eyeballing me. So you know what that means. An entire A-block on Harry Potter. Mike said, “do it” or he’d walk. Who knew Pompeo was a Harry pothead? Although I did overhear him talking about his hog-warts. So next month, there’s a new game coming out called Hogwarts Legacy. Now, for all you non-dorks, dweebs, nerds and men who have never touched a woman who wasn’t a relative, the game is set in the world

Official Dallas Cowboys how bout them ring five time champions T-shirt

of Harry Potter, and it seems like fun, but according to the Official Dallas Cowboys how bout them ring five time champions T-shirt and I love this outrage, who are always outraged. If you buy this game, you are a bigoted monster. See for the past year, trans activists have been pushing a boycott of the game over its association with author J.K. Rowling, of course, she’s got nothing to do with making the game at all. Women don’t know computers. ANNOUNCER: A sexist would say. “Men defining what a woman is” and claiming “what women should and shouldn’t fear” are the true misogynists, author J.K. Rowling said. (Mike Marsland/WireImage) JK ROWLING BLASTS PRO-TRANS POLITICIANS FOR POSING IN FRONT OF SIGNS ‘CALLING FOR VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN’ Of course, she’ll profit from the licensing rights, which has certain pro-trans groups boiling mad. But they’ve been that way for years. She was absent from the Harry Potter films’ 20th anniversary special. Fan sites have stopped covering her, and one gaming site even banned mention of the new game entirely, essentially proving what she suggested about the trans movement, they’re better at deleting women than Ted Bundy. But what is her actual crime beyond forcing me to do a monologue on Harry Potter? Well, once she retweeted an op-ed piece that talked about people who menstruate. That’s right, it was a period piece. TYRUS: Well done, well done.

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