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doing just that. We will get to the Official Eat sleep basketball repeat T-shirt moreover I will buy this bottom of what happened and there will be accountability. GEORGE SANTOS CLAIMS IN 2020 INTERVIEW THAT HE MET JEFFREY EPSTEIN, ALLEGED SEX TRAFFICKER WAS ‘MURDERED’ Video So, the country is skeptical and concerned. Bill Barr is skeptical and concerned. We will get to the bottom of what happened and there will be accountability, he promised that day, but that turned out to be untrue. Three-and-a-half years after Jeffrey Epstein died, no one has gotten to the bottom of what happened that day, and there has been no accountability for it. The only people ever punished for the grotesque malfeasance surrounding Epstein’s death were two low-level guards who fell asleep on duty that night. Both pleaded guilty to falsifying government records, but last year, with no real explanation, an Obama-appointed judge dropped all charges against both of them. One of the guards may still work for the federal government. As for getting to the bottom of what happened, despite many promises from many various officials, neither the FBI nor the Justice Department’s Office of Inspector General has ever issued a report explaining how Jeffrey Epstein died. Not a word. So, once again, three-and-a-half years after one of the most widely covered deaths of our time, there are still no answers and there is still no accountability. Why is that? Well, many reasons, probably, but one of them is that Washington veteran Bill Barr, the only man in the modern era to serve as attorney general twice declared, the Epstein case closed. Now, at first blush, Barr seems to have good reason for doing that. “By the end of 2019,” Barr writes in his memoir, “I was confident that Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide by hanging himself.” Now, why did Bill Barr believe that? Well, the first piece of evidence he offers up is this: “The New York City medical examiner had conducted an

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autopsy and ruled that Epstein killed himself by hanging.” That’s the Official Eat sleep basketball repeat T-shirt moreover I will buy this first piece of evidence. The second is this. It’s a videotape that “confirmed the medical examiner’s findings.” “I personally reviewed that video footage,” Barr writes. “It shows conclusively that between the time Epstein was locked in a cell at 7:49 p.m. on the night of Aug. 9 and the time he was discovered the next morning at 6:30, no one entered his tier.” Therefore, Bill Barr explained, we can know for sure that Jeffrey Epstein killed himself. In his book, Barr ends this section on Epstein with a self-congratulatory note. “The management changes I made at the time (to the federal prison system) were good ones, and I think the agency is slowly on its way back.” JEFFREY EPSTEIN DOCUMENTS TO BE UNSEALED, POTENTIALLY REVEALING ACQUAINTANCES, JUDGE ORDERS In other words, everything is fine now. Let’s move on. This was enough for most journalists in Washington. Virtually every subsequent news story about Jeffrey Epstein’s death denounced skeptics of the official story as crazy, who, for whatever reason, were engaged in “baseless conspiracy theories.” What’s amazing in retrospect is that none of these reporters, veterans at The Washington Post, the Associated Press, NBC News, The New York Times, many others, none of them ever thought to revisit Bill Barr’s assessment of Epstein’s death and measure it against the basic tenets of common sense. If you did that,

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