Patrick doran I’m a machine that turns poop back into food then into poop again T-shirt

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This, in response to the Official Patrick doran I’m a machine that turns poop back into food then into poop again T-shirt also I will do this trans teacher who appears to identify as the Grand Tetons. You think such a code would already be in place, or at least, you know, instituted months ago. You know, in September, after this brave little show decided to tackle a story that basically scared off everyone else. Yeah, “Fox and Friends,” put that in your oatmeal and smoke it. I mean, we’re talking large breasts here. How large? Well, the cast of “The View” likes to stand next to them to appear thin. We’ve been doggedly covering this story for months, and it took until now for a dress code to be drawn up. The trucker protest got shut down, shut down in weeks, but knockers the size of 18-wheelers outlast most marriages. But the long overdue policy might end up like “Basic Instinct” when it runs on network TV: completely watered-down. They take out all the good parts. Because the director of education says the plan will be drawn up with the help of employment law firms “with human rights and equity advisers.” You know what that means? It’s going to suck. It means that anything that asks people to do something they don’t want to do must be obviously discriminatory. Says the superintendent, quote, “Even if a dress code is implemented for nondiscriminatory reasons, it would likely be found to be discriminatory.” What does that mean, you weirdo? But it’s because you jerkoffs who really believe we can live on a planet where nobody’s feelings

Official Patrick doran I'm a machine that turns poop back into food then into poop again T-shirt

get hurt and where everybody has to agree on everything, and everything has to be decided by committee. Is it really so much to ask that teachers refrain from wearing prosthetic breasts so big they’re being considered as the Official Patrick doran I’m a machine that turns poop back into food then into poop again T-shirt also I will do this site for the next Winter Olympics? Who would it discriminate against? Lactating hippos? In other words, you can now indulge a fetish in public in front of kids because wearing enormous prosthetic boobs is now a human right. So what does that open doors to? Imagine a biological female teacher coming to work with a massive prosthetic penis strapped to her person. I’m imagining it right now. Well, good luck teaching Trig with that rig. But it’s time common sense prevails. That’s all we really want. Either way, the school board is expecting an interim report next month and a dress code policy in March. Until then, the utters that make you shudder, they aren’t going anywhere. And as sure as the Sun rises in the East and sets in the West, when it comes to giant boob stories “Gutfeld!” does it best. Greg Gutfeld currently serves as host of Gutfeld! (weeknights, 11PM-12AM/ET) and co-host of cable news’ highest-rated program The Five (weekdays, 5-6PM/ET).

Official Patrick doran I'm a machine that turns poop back into food then into poop again T-s Hoodie

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