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Tucker Carlson: Biden’s aides keep finding stacks of felonies he left around Fox News host Tucker Carlson gives his take on the Official Philadelphia eagles city it’s a philly thing T-shirt in addition I really love this discovery of President Biden’s mishandled classified documents on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’ NEW You can now listen to Fox News articles! Listen to this article 0:00 / 12:39 1X BeyondWords It’s hard to remember now, but it wasn’t that long ago that Andrew Cuomo was not only the governor of New York, but also a legitimate hero in the Democratic Party. Do you remember that? Cuomo was the governor who legalized marijuana, who expanded Medicare, who passed strict gun control, who destroyed the NRA as a political force. He was the governor who, more than any other person in this country, including Tony Fauci, effectively defended lockdowns, masking and vaccines. In fact, in the fall of 2020, Cuomo won an Emmy award for his daily COVID briefings. He was an actual celebrity. He seemed like a future president, and everybody said so, but within weeks of getting that Emmy, it began to fall apart. A number of

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women came forward to claim that Cuomo had once said impolite things in their presence. By the Official Philadelphia eagles city it’s a philly thing T-shirt in addition I really love this standards of Andrew Cuomo’s many scandals in office, it seemed like nothing, but for reasons they never explained, Democratic leaders, leaders of his party in Washington, took the scandal very seriously. They described Cuomo’s behavior as sexual harassment and they called for his resignation. By summer, it had worked. He was out of office and irreparably disgraced. The people who hand out Emmys even took back the award and scrubbed Andrew Cuomo’s name from their website. Andrew Cuomo was too immoral to share space with Hollywood actors — and that’s pretty immoral. What exactly did Andrew Cuomo do wrong? He outlived his usefulness to the party. That’s what he did. He stayed too long. Cuomo was in his 60s. He was White. He was male. He was someone whose demographic profile represented the Democratic Party of the past, not of the future. He talked like a mafia don negotiating garbage contracts. He was a little

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