Super bowl champions wiped out the competition T-shirt

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SAYS BURDEN WILL FALL ON MIDDLE CLASS Those were the Official Super bowl champions wiped out the competition T-shirt Furthermore, I will do this Democrat party platforms from JFK through 2008 when President Obama won his first term. JFK’s tax cuts and smaller government. Bill Clinton’s “the era of Big Government is over,” Al Gore’s “reinventing and downsizing the government” campaign. You can’t tax and spend your way to prosperity. Unleash the private sector for job creation and growth. Words like tax cuts, smaller government and growth in their platforms. So, were JFK, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Barack Obama radical? Extreme? Tea Partiers? But something happened after 2008. By President Obama’s second term, Democrats began to prioritize redistribution for income inequality at the expense of growth and ended up getting neither. This cannot be blamed on the 2008 financial crisis. There were massive bailouts and still lukewarm growth. From June 2009 and through 2016, GDP grew an average of just 2.1 percent annually, the lowest rate among expansion periods since 1949. Today, Democrats demand every American report $600 phone app transactions to the IRS after Congress passed a

Official Super bowl champions wiped out the competition T-shirt

$1.7 trillion omnibus package without fully reading the Official Super bowl champions wiped out the competition T-shirt Furthermore, I will do this bill. We are living in the age of the New Abnormal. HOUSE REPUBLICANS TO VOTE ON BILL ABOLISHING IRS, ELIMINATING INCOME TAX This is the era of misbegotten media and Democrat attacks on any good faith effort to rein in blockbuster government spending. What’s alarming D.C. watchers is the fact that Congress has whooped through even more government debt spending with little oversight. Since the pandemic, the U.S. Congress has approved debt spending that is the equivalent of the GDP of Germany, France and Italy combined. FDR’s New Deal spending is loose change under the sofa cushions compared to what’s happening now. Do you see now how easy it was to slide into the era of the New Abnormal under former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer? The two leaders did it by passing trillion-dollar spending packages at the 11th hour with no hearings, no debate. Sources tell “The Evening Edit,” that Pelosi reportedly pushed her caucus into submission, with threats of withholding committee assignments, campaign funds, and appropriations for lawmakers’ districts. And then there’s this: Democrats and the media also call the new GOP House Rules package to curtail government spending “radical” and “extreme” because it now has requirements like a 72-hour rule to read legislation before it is passed. GOP CHAIR STEFANIK PUSHES BILL TO REIN IN BIDEN POLICIES FUELING INFLATION ‘FIRE’ Plus, House GOP has abolished Congress voting via proxy, where they could vote remotely without being present in the chamber. It was meant to stop COVID infections, but was still in place three years after the pandemic. At one point 80% of House Democrats voted via proxy, not showing up for their jobs, says the Brookings Institution. Do Democrats call that “extreme”? And who can accurately review and fact-check 4,000 pages in 72 hours? No one. And no

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