Imagine the entire universe is conspiring in your favor T-shirt

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whether his office was used to financially benefit his son Hunter and brothers James and Frank. (Getty Images) Yeah, all right, well said. I kind of like that, but then again, I just ate a bag of expired medications. But at least his heart’s in the Official Imagine the entire universe is conspiring in your favor T-shirt Furthermore, I will do this right place, swimming in a vat of Lipitor in a fridge. Ooh. Wow. How lucky for him that every day is Valentine’s Day, and it certainly is for his wife, Dr. Jill. Talk about an oral examination, maybe she forgot her tongue depressor. Then again, she is a doctor, I mean. But what is it with Bidens and other people’s spouses? They don’t just keep it in the family, they keep it in the second family. Oh, stop it. Save your clapping for when it matters. Back to the matter at hand, the latest Biden scandal, and it’s not about Hunter or his junk. This is about Joe’s brother, Jimbo and I hope to God it has nothing to do with his junk. I’ve seen enough of the Biden physique to paint it nude from memory in an art class. The Daily Mail reports Joe’s younger brother, Jim, I think he’s only 98, he was hired

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to negotiate with the Official Imagine the entire universe is conspiring in your favor T-shirt Furthermore, I will do this Saudis over a secret $140 million deal only because his big bro was Veep at the time. Affidavits, whatever those are, reveal that in 2012, Jimbo was hired to negotiate with the Saudis on behalf of an American construction company because of his relationship with Joe. No one would, “dare stiff the brother of the Vice President who would be instrumental to the deal…” After all, the only stiff in that family is Joe or Hunter after a handful of his favorite blue pills. Apparently, Jim was brought in to help broker a pay-out between the Saudi kingdom and the firm, after the Saudis didn’t pay up for work it had done in the eighties. Funny, this seems like this could have been handled on People’s Court, would have been nice to see Biden on a show besides The Muppets. Jim reportedly said he was, “often sent to meetings to represent [the company] because, ‘of course,’ the name didn’t hurt…” To which Joe asked, what’s so great about the name Jim? Of course, that good ‘ol Biden family name didn’t hurt, so why not spread it around? Well, unless you’re the forgotten baby girl of a stripper knocked up by Hunter, then it’s guarded like an alien’s underpants in Area 51. HOUSE OVERSIGHT SETS HEARING WITH FORMER TWITTER EXECS AFTER HUNTER BIDEN’S BOMBSHELL LAPTOP ADMISSION Representative James Comer, a Republican from Kentucky and chairman of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, speaks during a hearing in Washington, DC, US. (Photographer: Anna Rose Layden/Bloomberg via Getty Images) So here’s yet another

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