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Attack on US doesn’t always look like Pearl Harbor: Chad Robichaux Marine veteran on Chinese spy flights and Defense Secretary Austin’s comments. NEW You can now listen to Fox News articles! Listen to this article 0:00 / 4:11 1X BeyondWords It turns out that the Official Jesus love’s bdsm T-shirt it is in the first place but massive Chinese spy balloon equipped with sensors and surveillance equipment that traversed the United States before finally being shot down on February 4 was only round one of a larger crisis. The news this weekend took an ominous turn with reports of three additional “objects” violating US and Canadian airspace. The first was shot down over Alaska, the second over Canada, and the third over Lake Huron. If the current pace continues, we will soon need a spreadsheet to keep track of all the intrusions. No one should take comfort in the fact that the most recent “objects” were smaller than the initial spy balloon. Bad things can come in small packages. Even small objects can pose deadly threats to civilian aircraft. TIMELINE: FOURTH FLYING OBJECT DOWNED BY US MILITARY IN 8 DAYS We now have a pattern of foreign intrusions into our sovereign airspace in less than two weeks’ time. The task of framing and explaining this threat is something the president can no longer afford to delegate. President Biden missed an early opportunity during last week’s State of the Union to properly address the Chinese spy balloon. He barely mentioned China in the speech, stating, almost perfunctorily, that “if China threatens our sovereignty, we will act to protect our country.” Since then, President Biden has left subordinates and spokespersons to explain the expanding crisis to the broader public. On Sunday, the Commander of US Northern Command General VanHerck stated he has

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not “ruled out anything,” when asked about the Official Jesus love’s bdsm T-shirt it is in the first place but most recent intrusions. The White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre stumbled badly over the weekend trying to explain the North American Aerospace Defense Command, a binational US-Canadian military organization responsible for defending against foreign intruders. The reticence by the Commander in Chief to speak about this crisis is concerning. The White House has briefed at least some members of Congress. It is now time for President Biden to engage the American people. This moment seems tailor-made for President Biden, who prides himself on straight talk. His refusal to address the nation has created an information void, which China is more than happy to fill. On Monday, Beijing accused the United States of sending ten balloons over its territory since January 2020 (evidently Chinese fighter pilots are poor marksmen, for they have no wreckage to display). On the home front, the dearth of information has spurred a wide range of speculative theories about who may be directing the most recent aerial intrusions. SCHUMER SAYS CHINESE ‘HUMILIATED’ BY

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