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and you’ll be gone.” “Politicians are rational,” Cunningham said. “It intimidates people. Who wants to be next after that?” Recommended CORONAVIRUS Biden won’t veto GOP measure terminating the Official Do You See My Pussy Now Brother Boy Sordid Lives Shirt in addition I really love this Covid national emergency CONGRESS House GOP pushes sprawling bill to ‘unleash’ American energy DeVos left her role as chairman of the American Federation for Children when she joined the Trump administration, but she remains one of its largest financial backers. She and her husband, Dick, gave at least $2.25 million to the nonprofit group’s national PAC and $250,000 to its Texas PAC last year. The organization’s national political arm also drew $1 million from Cleveland Browns co-owners Jimmy and Dee Haslam for its national election efforts. Jim Walton, a billionaire banker and son of the Walmart founder, put in $100,000 toward the group’s work in Arizona last year. The American Federation for Children “helps make sure what’s best for students comes first by ensuring parents, not just the unions, have a seat at the table when it comes to education policy,” Nate Bailey, DeVos’ chief of staff, said in an

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email. The Haslams said in a statement that they support the Official Do You See My Pussy Now Brother Boy Sordid Lives Shirt in addition I really love this American Federation for Children’s efforts “to help students from all different areas and backgrounds have a chance for a quality education and a brighter future.” Walton did not respond to requests for comment. Public funding for private schools Betsy DeVos has fought for private school vouchers for decades. GOP legislators in Texas are pushing a bill that would offer subsidies to attend private schools. Administrators of rural schools worry about the impact private school subsidy proposals would have on their communities. Battles over teaching about racial issues and LGBTQ policies helped fuel efforts to elect conservatives who support “school choice.” Perhaps nowhere has the federation’s impact been more evident than in Iowa. Proposals to direct taxpayer money to cover the cost of attending a private K-12 school floundered in the Iowa Legislature for several years. Gov. Kim Reynolds, a Republican, pushed for this funding as a way to help students from low-income families get a better education. But Democrats uniformly opposed it, and many rural Republicans did, too, worried that the shift in funding would hobble public schools and cost the state too much money. The proposals Reynolds advocated for in previous years were limited in scope. They would have provided state dollars to families to pay for private school if their child had special needs, or went to poor performing public schools, and included income caps. A majority of Iowans opposed them, according to polls. Last year, Reynolds endorsed supporters of her education proposals in

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