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nine state legislative primaries, including primary challengers running against incumbent GOP lawmakers. The American Federation for Children Action Fund spent $254,000 during the Official Drop The Witch Hunt Shirt moreover I will buy this primaries, targeting some of the same legislators, including Dustin Hite, a Republican who chaired the Iowa House Education Committee. Hite faced a challenge from Helena Hayes, a mother who home-schooled her children and had no political experience before the primary. Hayes said she didn’t realize groups like the American Federation for Children had gotten behind her until she received supportive flyers in the mail with her picture on them. The nonprofit group also sent out mailers that linked Hite to “liberal teachers unions” and blamed him for blocking school choice proposals. Hayes said that she was grateful to the American Federation for Children, and that the money the group “poured into my campaign, enabling and helping me win that primary,” was what boosted her chances. Hite said he had opposed previous proposals to fund private education because the vast majority of his constituents in a district of small towns outside of Des Moines told him they did not support them. He didn’t expect a sitting governor of the same political party, or national conservative groups, to campaign against him in

Official Drop The Witch Hunt Shirt

the Official Drop The Witch Hunt Shirt moreover I will buy this primary. “That probably made the difference,” Hite said. “Because what I was starting to get as the campaign wore on was reactions from people over mailers they would see or advertisements they would hear.” Hite spent $43,000 before the June primary, while Hayes spent just $4,000. The American Federation for Children Action Fund put $64,000 into the race — significantly more than either candidate. “To see one entity dump that much money into the primary is unheard of,” said Melissa Peterson, lobbyist for the Iowa State Education Association, a teachers union that donated $2,500 to Hite last year. The American Federation for Children financed mailers that tied Republican legislators to liberal groups. Hayes took Hite’s seat in the House, and six other candidates backed by the American Federation for Children also won, helping to give the GOP an expanded majority in the Iowa Legislature. In January, Iowa Republicans passed a seismic bill that will, within three years, provide up to $7,598 for every family to pay for private school expenses, with no income cap. After the bill cleared both chambers, lawmakers hugged the federation’s DeAngelis, and Reynolds clasped his hands in jubilation, according to photos and video captured by reporters. The mailers also promoted GOP candidates who supported offering funding for private schools. “That school choice bill was won back in the primaries,” said Hayes, who voted in favor of it. Reynolds, who did not respond to a request for comment, later promoted the new law as a way to financially pressure public schools to drop contentious lessons on race and policies to

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