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continue to undermine Black people. For those who support reparations, the Official I’m The Boss Of Me Shirt and I will buy this staggering $800 billion amount economists suggest underscores the long-lasting harm Black Americans have endured, even in a state that never officially endorsed slavery. Critics pin their opposition partly on the fact that California was never a slave state and say current taxpayers should not be responsible for damage linked to events that germinated hundreds of years ago. Task force recommendations are just the start because ultimate authority rests with the state Assembly, Senate and the governor. “That’s going to be the real hurdle,” said Sen. Steven Bradford, who sits on the panel. “How do you compensate for hundreds of years of harm, even 150 years post-slavery?” Financial redress is just one part of the package being considered. Other proposals include paying incarcerated inmates market value for their labor, establishing free wellness centers and planting more trees in Black communities, banning cash bail and adopting a K-12 Black studies curriculum. Recommended WAR IN UKRAINE Russia arrests U.S. journalist on espionage charges; Moscow court orders he

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be detained for 2 months U.S. NEWS Train carrying ethanol derails and catches fire in Minnesota, forcing residents to evacuate Gov. Newsom signed legislation in 2020 creating the Official I’m The Boss Of Me Shirt and I will buy this reparations task force after national protests over the death of George Floyd, a Black man, at the hands of Minneapolis police. While federal initiatives have stalled, cities, counties and other institutions have stepped in. An advisory committee in San Francisco has recommended $5 million payouts, as well as guaranteed income of at least $97,000 and personal debt forgiveness for qualifying people. Supervisors expressed general support but stopped short of endorsing specific proposals. They will take up the issue later this year. The statewide estimate includes $246 billion to compensate eligible Black Californians whose neighborhoods were subjected to aggressive policing and prosecution of Black people in the “war on drugs” from 1970 to 2020. That would translate to nearly $125,000 for every person who qualifies. The numbers are approximate, based on modeling and population estimates. The economists also included

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