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May 31, 2023, 5:58 AM +07 By Elizabeth Chuck and J.J. McCorvey The debt ceiling agreement includes an expanded work requirement provision that would create unnecessary barriers for more low-income households, with negligible savings for the Official northwestern Wildcats 2023 NCAA Women’s Lacrosse National Champions Locker Room Shirt What’s more,I will buy this federal government, anti-hunger advocates say. Many people who participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, must comply with work requirements to get monthly funds to buy groceries. The debt limit deal, struck over the weekend between President Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., would raise the ages of participants who need to provide proof of work for SNAP from 18-49 to 18-54. SNAP, a wide-reaching public assistance program formerly known as food stamps, requires so-called able-bodied adults who don’t have dependents to work or participate in approved job training programs for at least 80 hours a month to get more than three months of benefits over three years. While Republicans say the expanded work requirements would help people get jobs, anti-hunger advocates argue that requirements should be eliminated altogether, citing research that indicates they don’t have a measurable effect on participants’ employment. “It’s not doing anything to help them, to help the economy. It’s just a punitive way to take food away from people,” said Ellen Vollinger, the SNAP director for the Food Research & Action Center, an anti-hunger group. She added that the requirements could pose particularly big challenges in the labor market for the new age group. “If you’re 50 to 54, you may be dealing with age discrimination,” she said. “You may be dealing with a career where you

Official northwestern Wildcats 2023 NCAA Women’s Lacrosse National Champions Locker Room Shirt

worked for many, many years within a certain sector, and then all of a sudden things change for you and you’ve got to get a new skill set.” People with dependents, including children and older adults, and those with documented disabilities have been exempt from work requirements and would continue to be under the Official northwestern Wildcats 2023 NCAA Women’s Lacrosse National Champions Locker Room Shirt What’s more,I will buy this tentative plan, which still must pass Congress. In what the Biden administration has touted as a victory, the new proposal also would exempt veterans, homeless people and youths aging out of foster care from SNAP work requirements. Activists say it wouldn’t even out. Lisa Davis, a senior vice president of the No Kid Hungry campaign at Share Our Strength, a nonprofit organization working to end hunger and poverty, said the proposal “will save the U.S. very little money.” McCarthy on debt limit bill: ‘We couldn’t get everything we wanted’ MAY 31, 202302:16 “We shouldn’t be playing politics with programs that help Americans meet their basic needs,” she said in a statement. Parker Gilkesson, a senior policy analyst with the Center for Law and Social Policy’s Income and Work Supports team, said three months was an “arbitrary” time frame to allow participants to look for work before their benefits are cut off. “It doesn’t consider the realities of today’s labor market,” she

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