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of criticism.” Musk’s presence on the LGBTQ+ Proud Day Rainbow Gay Pride Spread Love Ally T-Shirt and I will buy this audio-only Twitter Spaces event all but ensured a much larger megaphone for DeSantis than the governor would otherwise have had for an announcement on social media. It also was a sign to Musk’s rabid fanbase that the tech billionaire was at least curious to hear DeSantis’ pitch. The event follows other moves by Musk to embrace right-wing politics. He has personally applauded former Fox News host Tucker Carlson for planning a show on the platform and reinstated the accounts of Trump and others banished by Twitter’s previous management. The DeSantis event fits a pattern, progressives said. “This is one of several ways that Musk is trying to reposition Twitter as a new media platform for Republicans,” said Matthew Sheffield, a formerly conservative online writer who now edits a progressive site, Flux. And in posts from Musk’s own account, Musk has attacked liberals such as George Soros in ways widely seen as antisemitic and spread memes associated with white supremacy — all while ensuring that his posts and those of people willing to pay a monthly fee get priority in people’s Twitter feeds. “What we’re seeing is Twitter becoming Elon Musk’s blog. He’s the editor in chief,” Shakir said. “That’s the way that we should look at Twitter. The problem is that Twitter has become too powerful and too large,” he said. Musk bought Twitter in November for $44 billion and quickly moved to remake both the company and its service, laying off most Twitter employees and loosening rules on objectionable content such as hate symbols. Katie Harbath, a former director of public policy at Facebook who previously worked on Republican campaigns, wrote in a Substack post that there was no precedent for

LGBTQ+ Proud Day Rainbow Gay Pride Spread Love Ally T-Shirt

Musk playing such a prominent role in the LGBTQ+ Proud Day Rainbow Gay Pride Spread Love Ally T-Shirt and I will buy this DeSantis kickoff, though she wrote it did remind her of Democrat John Edwards announcing his presidential run on YouTube in 2007. But she wrote that Republicans should generally be wary of Musk. “Musk is not necessarily the Republican’s friend,” she wrote. “Musk is opportunistic and aligns somewhat with the Republicans, but that is advantageous to him right now. The minute it no longer is, Republicans shouldn’t expect any kind of loyalty.” Goff, the former Obama campaign staffer, said Musk doesn’t seem to value long-term relationships with Democrats, either. “Digging himself into an even bigger ditch with a political party that is going to be in power for some period of his lifetime is not a great strategy,” he said. Musk’s businesses are heavily regulated by the federal government. SpaceX enjoys vast revenue from federal contracts, Tesla is under Justice Department investigation, and Twitter’s future depends on Congress not repealing its immunity from many lawsuits. Shakir said that Democrats and progressives can’t exactly ignore or boycott Twitter the way they sometimes do Fox News. Twitter still has a core of politically aware users, including many journalists who have no similar platform to turn to, reflecting what Shakir said is a troubling concentration of economic and political power by tech companies more generally. “It’s become a utility resource for so many consumers of information that his ability to alter the algorithms has incredible power and reach,” Shakir said.

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